Tuesday, October 24, 2006

اللهم اعد علينا رمضان بالخير

اولا عيد سعيد على الامة الاسلامية جمعاء وكل سنة وانتم طيبين وبعوده عليكم الايام وربنا يتقبل منا جميعا رمضان
لا ادرى من اين ابدأ فانا فى حيرة وحزن شديد لفراق رمضان الذى احبه كثيرا وتهدأ نفسى فيه وتستشعر حلاوة وعظمة دينها لكن كل ما اشعر به لا استطيع وصف مدى سوئه.
حزن والم ومشاعر تفيض بالحب والفراق والندم على ما فات من وقت احسست بها عند فجر اخر ليلة من ليالى رمضان لا ادرى لماذا عندها
وددت لو ابكى رغم معرفتى ان بكائى لن يرجع ما فاتنى من ليالى فى هذا الشهر الكريم وندمت كثيرات اننى لم انتهز الفرصة من اول الشهر الكريم واذهب لصلاة التهجد فمن قام بها عرف حلاوتها والفرحة بها والالفة التى اشعر بها تجاهها
وفى رمضان هذا بالذات شعرت بعض الشئ اننى ادرك واعى تصرفاتى واعرف حلالها من حرامها وان عظمة الله ورحمته وسعت كل شئ علما وكلما ذهبت للمسجد والتقيت باحدى الاخوات الفاضلات وتكلمت معها وحاولت اقناعى بشئ ما كالنقاب وما الى ذلك من عدم سماع الاغانى وغيره مثلا اقتنعت تماما بكلامها واحببت روحها وغيرتها على دينها واحسست بمدى ضالتى فماذا صنعت انا لنصرة هذا الدين هل حاولت التحدث مع غيرى من المسلمات مثلها واقناعهم بامر ما من اوامر الله او حاولت ارجاع عبد من عباد الله عن فعل معصية او تفكير خاطئ
واخذت حينها انظر بعين العقل والهداية لكلامها واخذت انظر الى صديقاتى المحيطات بى ومحاولت تبريرهم لبعض المعاصى وانتقائهم لما يحلو هواهم من اقوال بعض شيوخ الفضائيات اصحاب فتاوى التيكواى والفتواى الشبابية التى يحاول الشباب بها اشباع ضمائرهم وهم يعرفون حقيقة خطئها وحقيقة قائلة كما يفعل نسبة كبيرة من اصدقائى ينتقون ما على هواهم ويقنعونك به ويقنعوك انهم هم الاصح وما غيرهم متشدد حتى ان احداهم جادلتى بعنف مره فى حقيقة بعض المذاهب الشيعية ااتى لاتئمن بالرسول فليس كل الشيعة مئمنون وعندما قلت لها لماذا تجادلين بهذه الحدة واخذت اذكر لها ما يفعله الشيعة فى سنة العراق وما قالها بعض الشيوخ المشهود لهم بالتقوى من الجميع عنهم وما تذكره وسائل الاعلام كالجزيرة وغيره من مواقع النت اخذت تجادلنى بحدة اكثر واستعانة باخريات وقالت انهم كلهم خطأ ولم تكتفى بهذا بل قذفت بعض هئلاء الشيوخ بكلام لا يقال ابدا على امثالهم واخذت تقنعنى بداعتها هذا الذى تستمع لكلامه وما حلله من سماع الاغانى والفن الصاعد واصبح قدوة لهم فما كان منى الا ان تركت المجلس وذهبت لما وجدته من عناد وحدة رأى فقط لاثبات انها الصواب ولو على باطل
المهم هذا ما اجده من اصدقائى فكيف لى بعد ان ادركت بعض اخطائهم وعيوبهم ان اقتدى بهم واستمع لكلامهم فقررت ان اكون بعيدة عنهم وعن فتاويهم الجهنمية من شيوخهم التيكاواى

Sunday, October 15, 2006

last 10 days

  • oh ramadan donat go ,wait here with us we want you tostay here ,donot go we will miss you very much.
  • ramadan is the greatest month in all the months ,if we know it's value we will want all the months be ramadan like our prophet mohamed said.
  • in this month allah the greatest lord
  • in the of ramadan there are the greatest days speciall in the ten days there are al qadr night it is the greatest day in all the year ,in it the holly quaran was sent in our prophet mohamed , this night is better than 1000 months.
  • The night of qadr is the most virtuous night of the year. Allaah says in the Quran (what means): “We revealed it on the night of power [that is, qadr]."
    "What will tell you what the night of power is? It is better than a thousand months” [97:1-3] Any action, for example, reciting the Quran, making remembrance of Allaah, and so on, on the night of qadr is better than the same act performed for one thousand months.

  • The signs by which Laylat al-Qadr is known
    The first sign: it was reported in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Ubayy ibn Ka’b (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) announced that one of its signs was that when the sun rose on the following morning, it had no (visible) rays.
    (Muslim, 762).
    The second sign: it was reported from the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah, and by al-Tayaalisi in his Musnad, with a saheeh isnaad, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Laylat al-Qadr is a pleasant night, neither hot nor cold, and the following day the sun rises red and weak.”
    (Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah, 2912; Musnad al-Tayaalisi).
    The third sign: it was reported by al-Tabaraani with a hasan isnaad from the hadeeth of Waathilah ibn al-Asqa’ (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Laylat al-Qadr is a bright night, neither hot nor cold, in which no meteors are seen.”
    (Narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer. See Majma’ al-Zawaa’id, 3/179; Musnad Ahmad).
    These three saheeh ahaadeeth explain the signs which indicate Laylat al-Qadr.
    It is not essential for the one who “catches” Laylat al-Qadr to know that he has “caught” it. The point is to strive hard and to be sincere in worship, whether or not one knows that one has “caught” it. It may be that some of those who do not know that may be better with Allaah and higher in status than those who did know which night it was, because the former strove hard. We ask Allaah to accept our fasting our prayer at night, and to help us to remember Him and to thank Him and to worship Him properly. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

  • Which night is it:?
    Scholars hold different opinions as to the exact night that is the night of qadr. Some hold the opinion that it is the 21st, some say the 23rd, others say the 25th and still others say it is the 29th. Some say that it varies from year to year but it is always among the last ten nights of Ramadhaan. Most scholars, though, vouch for the 27th.

    Ahmad recorded, with a saheeh (authentic) chain, from Ibn ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “He who likes to seek that night should do so on the 27th.” Ubayy Ibn K’ab, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “By Allaah, and there is no God but Him, it is during Ramadhaan – and He swore to that – and by Allaah, I know what night it is. It is the night of the 27th. Its sign is that the sun rises in the morning white and without any rays”. This is related by Muslim, Abu Daawood, Ahmad and At-Tirmithi who called it saheeh

  • Praying and making supplications during the night of qadr:
    Al-Bukhaari and Muslim record from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Whoever prays during the night of qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven”.

    As to the supplication during the night of qadr' ,Aisha, may Allaah be pleased with her, said: "I asked the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, O Messenger of Allaah, if I know what night is the night of qadr, what should I say during it’? He, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Say,O Allaah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.” This is related by Ahmed,Ibn Maajah, and At-Tirmithi, who called it saheeh.
  • please ramadan donot go stay here with us ,oh my lord my allah please forgive me ,iam ur femal slave please forgive me ,oh my lord i pray to you and wish the forgiveness ,please allah accept ramadan from me and from all the muslims in all the world ,please allah donot let ramadan go before forgive me ,allah you are the only lord and the greatest please help the muslims in all the world and give them the forgiveness and the eman ,please help them to beat them bad things

Friday, October 06, 2006


Agian the series of the historic farces and the historic distortion continue motivated by the Ramadan series and the historical films .Again Ramadan series returned so that they offer to us lessons in the falsification of our history, the attempt of its removal and its pollution by the lies and the dramatic thought.this year it show us harron el rasheed and his sons el ameen and el maamon but with wrong history .this caliph was from the greatest man ,he was pilgrimaging ayear and the next year he was fight to expand the islamic area,he is the greatest caliph in the abasy agebut in alot of series and movies and also in people words he appear like strong man have alot of women and all he know was setting with women and playing with his people like any wrongful caliph.from the other side there are the sons mohamed el ameen and abd ellah el maamon.el maamon was the biggest son , the wise man and the scientist ,he discovered alot of things in alot of fields like the astronomy.he was agreatest man ,scientist and caliph , his mother was afemal slave ,she was from fares ,she died after six months from maamon's birth.there are alot of wrong things in these series and alot but we see and believe .not only this series also amer ebn el aas series and the movie of salah el deen .alot and alot of wrong ,it blemish the islamic history and after we see it we just say good actor ,or other .we forget our history and our religion all we want that see and waste our time .