Friday, October 06, 2006


Agian the series of the historic farces and the historic distortion continue motivated by the Ramadan series and the historical films .Again Ramadan series returned so that they offer to us lessons in the falsification of our history, the attempt of its removal and its pollution by the lies and the dramatic thought.this year it show us harron el rasheed and his sons el ameen and el maamon but with wrong history .this caliph was from the greatest man ,he was pilgrimaging ayear and the next year he was fight to expand the islamic area,he is the greatest caliph in the abasy agebut in alot of series and movies and also in people words he appear like strong man have alot of women and all he know was setting with women and playing with his people like any wrongful caliph.from the other side there are the sons mohamed el ameen and abd ellah el maamon.el maamon was the biggest son , the wise man and the scientist ,he discovered alot of things in alot of fields like the astronomy.he was agreatest man ,scientist and caliph , his mother was afemal slave ,she was from fares ,she died after six months from maamon's birth.there are alot of wrong things in these series and alot but we see and believe .not only this series also amer ebn el aas series and the movie of salah el deen .alot and alot of wrong ,it blemish the islamic history and after we see it we just say good actor ,or other .we forget our history and our religion all we want that see and waste our time .


Anonymous said...

Good post,thank you.

Anonymous said...

thanks alot hamede u r welcome
thanks sarah for the site and for ur comment

Anonymous said...

Great post,
but lsn...why we are not fighting and commenting about this subject as you did,,,because sadly we don't no a crap about our history and how great it is, and iam mean in that our ISLAMIC history !!
so the dangerous part in this equation that we as an empty minds we see some expensive and well made series, we won't even try to discover if it's true or not, coz C'mon history is on Tv man..why asking for more !!!!!!!
again great post,

Anonymous said...

u right we donot know our islamic history each country like mine egypt always talk about it's history
believe me if u c one field from our islamic history u will c that it is the best calture in all
as example the andulas history our land and the infinity discovered of the islamic scientists all of thes now in the europ hand
u will surprised when u know that a big scientists like newten,galelio ....ect steal our discovered

ALiaa said...

هند هانم.... النشيد الانجليزي جميل و الصفحة حلوة جدا.... و ان كان علي المسلسل ماتدقيش.... هما من امتي بيجيبوا مسلسل سواء هلس و لا جد و احداثه حقيقية؟؟!!!!!!!!!!!

islamventura said...

good day hend
very strong blog
i hope you can join this website
for Quran discusion

i hope to see your comments in my blog

Anonymous said...

السلام عليكم ورحمت الله وبركاته
فعلا ده احدى اهداف الاعلام المختل حتى وان كان بيقلد الغرب فهدف الغرب اساسا محو حضارتنا واسلامنا
على رايك هما اساتذة فى الفبركة والتاليف
شكرا على الموقع وان شاء الله هتشوفنى كتير فى البلوجر عندك

Anonymous said...

nice post thanks for it

Anonymous said...

nice post thanks alot for it