Saturday, December 23, 2006

happy eid

it is Avery long time since my last topic u know that is the exams and every one of us have his exams also there r the eid .
so i love entering the blogger to share my glad with Eid EL Aaha elmobark with all my friends and also to courage u to do ur best in exams and wish to have the best results

happy Eid

Saturday, November 11, 2006

مذبحة بيت حانون

من جديد أخذت قوات المعتدى الاسرائيلى الغاصب فى شن هجمات شرسة على المدنيين الفلسطينيين لا يفرقون فيها بين رجل و امرأة و طفل و عجوز قعيد فكل ما يهمهم هو الحاق أكبر الخسائر بالشعب الفلسطينى وأغتصاب أرضه المقدسة ومن جديد ايضا استمر الصمت العربى بل وبالعكس زاد الصمت الشعبى ففى الماضى كانت هناك المقاطعة الشعبية للمنتجات الداعمة للكيان الصهيونى واشهرهم محلات المأكولات التى يتربع على عرشها كنتاكى وكذلك شركات السجائر أما الان فأصبح الكل لا يبالى حتى الشباب الذين تبنوا المقاطعة لا يستطيعون تطبيقها الان وحق علينا القول لسان على الفاضى .
ورغم الاعتداء المتواصل والمستمر من الكيان الصهيونى على الفلسطينيين الا انه زاد عن حده فلقد وصلت بهم الوقاحة والشراسة الى اعتراضهم لمظاهرة نسائية سلمية واطلاقهم النار عليها وقتل النساء الضعيفات بلا رحمة وكان تبريرهم انهم مجموعة من الارهابييين الفلسطينيين مختبئون بملابس نساء يكذبون الكذبة ونصدقها ونحن نعلم الحقيقة بل اننا نتناقلها ايضا ووصل الصمت بنا وعدم مبالاتنا بترديد كلماتهم ومصطلحاتهم كالحمقى فسمينا المقاومة بالارهاب .
احقا هم اخواتنا ونحن اخواتهم ام انها مجرد كلام فما نفعله يؤكد مدى حقارتنا وضعفنا ومشينا وراء الصهاينة كالعبيد بل كالابل والماعز المساقة واحقر من ذلك كالكلاب الضالة فسحقا لنا لصمتنا هذا وسحقا لنا لرؤيتنا لهؤلاء الشهداء يموتون ونحن صامتون ولا نستطيع حتى الاستغناء عن مأكولاتهم او مقاطعتها فنحن نأكل من دماء أخواننا وكذلك من دماء من سبوا رسولنا كالخنازير.
أين حى على الفلاح وأين الجهاد فى سبيل الله وأين الكرامة المقتولة فى عقر دارها وقاتلها يسير فى الطرقات ولا يمنعه احد والكل يرى ويسمع بل ويساعد على ما يحدث بهذا الصمت .
هم الان من ينزف وتسيل دمائه ونحن ننظر وغدا نحن من تسال دمائه ولا نجد حتى من يرى ويسمع لان حينها لن نجد احدا وسنكون كالهنود الحمر با أسوأ فلن يعترف أحد حينها بخطأه بل الكل سيرفع الرايه لقتل الارهابييين كما وصفنا العديد والعديد وعلى رأسهم نجوم هوليود او اغلبهم ونحن نصفق لهم ونقتدى بهم ونترك دمائنا تسيل على يديهم ورسولنا يهان ونسمع ونرى ونصمت.
اين العمل بقول رسولنا الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم (من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره بيده فأن لم يستطع فبلسانه فأن لم يستطع فبقلبه وذلك أضعف الايمان)
هذا اضعف الايمان اما ما نفعله الان فهى الخيانة التى لا تغتفر ابدا ولا يغفرها الله لعبده فهى خيانة اهل ودين وكرامة
اين انتم يا مسلمون لماذا تصمتون كالتماثيل ولا تتحركون اين دينكم وخشيتكم لله اين حبكم لرسولكم اين كرامتكم فالموت اهون الف مره ممما نفعل
وتحية منى لكل فلسطينى مجاهد فى سبيل الله ولكل مسلم يجاهد فى سبيل الله فى اى بقعة من بقاع الارض
تحية منى لم سمع ولم يسكت ورأى فلم يقف ساكنا فاخذته العزه لنصرة نبيه ودينه وارضه
تحية منى لكل شهيد
وكما قال رسولنا الكريم (ان الله ينصرالامم العادلة ولو كانت كافرة ويذل الامم الظالمة ولو كانت مسلمة )

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

اللهم اعد علينا رمضان بالخير

اولا عيد سعيد على الامة الاسلامية جمعاء وكل سنة وانتم طيبين وبعوده عليكم الايام وربنا يتقبل منا جميعا رمضان
لا ادرى من اين ابدأ فانا فى حيرة وحزن شديد لفراق رمضان الذى احبه كثيرا وتهدأ نفسى فيه وتستشعر حلاوة وعظمة دينها لكن كل ما اشعر به لا استطيع وصف مدى سوئه.
حزن والم ومشاعر تفيض بالحب والفراق والندم على ما فات من وقت احسست بها عند فجر اخر ليلة من ليالى رمضان لا ادرى لماذا عندها
وددت لو ابكى رغم معرفتى ان بكائى لن يرجع ما فاتنى من ليالى فى هذا الشهر الكريم وندمت كثيرات اننى لم انتهز الفرصة من اول الشهر الكريم واذهب لصلاة التهجد فمن قام بها عرف حلاوتها والفرحة بها والالفة التى اشعر بها تجاهها
وفى رمضان هذا بالذات شعرت بعض الشئ اننى ادرك واعى تصرفاتى واعرف حلالها من حرامها وان عظمة الله ورحمته وسعت كل شئ علما وكلما ذهبت للمسجد والتقيت باحدى الاخوات الفاضلات وتكلمت معها وحاولت اقناعى بشئ ما كالنقاب وما الى ذلك من عدم سماع الاغانى وغيره مثلا اقتنعت تماما بكلامها واحببت روحها وغيرتها على دينها واحسست بمدى ضالتى فماذا صنعت انا لنصرة هذا الدين هل حاولت التحدث مع غيرى من المسلمات مثلها واقناعهم بامر ما من اوامر الله او حاولت ارجاع عبد من عباد الله عن فعل معصية او تفكير خاطئ
واخذت حينها انظر بعين العقل والهداية لكلامها واخذت انظر الى صديقاتى المحيطات بى ومحاولت تبريرهم لبعض المعاصى وانتقائهم لما يحلو هواهم من اقوال بعض شيوخ الفضائيات اصحاب فتاوى التيكواى والفتواى الشبابية التى يحاول الشباب بها اشباع ضمائرهم وهم يعرفون حقيقة خطئها وحقيقة قائلة كما يفعل نسبة كبيرة من اصدقائى ينتقون ما على هواهم ويقنعونك به ويقنعوك انهم هم الاصح وما غيرهم متشدد حتى ان احداهم جادلتى بعنف مره فى حقيقة بعض المذاهب الشيعية ااتى لاتئمن بالرسول فليس كل الشيعة مئمنون وعندما قلت لها لماذا تجادلين بهذه الحدة واخذت اذكر لها ما يفعله الشيعة فى سنة العراق وما قالها بعض الشيوخ المشهود لهم بالتقوى من الجميع عنهم وما تذكره وسائل الاعلام كالجزيرة وغيره من مواقع النت اخذت تجادلنى بحدة اكثر واستعانة باخريات وقالت انهم كلهم خطأ ولم تكتفى بهذا بل قذفت بعض هئلاء الشيوخ بكلام لا يقال ابدا على امثالهم واخذت تقنعنى بداعتها هذا الذى تستمع لكلامه وما حلله من سماع الاغانى والفن الصاعد واصبح قدوة لهم فما كان منى الا ان تركت المجلس وذهبت لما وجدته من عناد وحدة رأى فقط لاثبات انها الصواب ولو على باطل
المهم هذا ما اجده من اصدقائى فكيف لى بعد ان ادركت بعض اخطائهم وعيوبهم ان اقتدى بهم واستمع لكلامهم فقررت ان اكون بعيدة عنهم وعن فتاويهم الجهنمية من شيوخهم التيكاواى

Sunday, October 15, 2006

last 10 days

  • oh ramadan donat go ,wait here with us we want you tostay here ,donot go we will miss you very much.
  • ramadan is the greatest month in all the months ,if we know it's value we will want all the months be ramadan like our prophet mohamed said.
  • in this month allah the greatest lord
  • in the of ramadan there are the greatest days speciall in the ten days there are al qadr night it is the greatest day in all the year ,in it the holly quaran was sent in our prophet mohamed , this night is better than 1000 months.
  • The night of qadr is the most virtuous night of the year. Allaah says in the Quran (what means): “We revealed it on the night of power [that is, qadr]."
    "What will tell you what the night of power is? It is better than a thousand months” [97:1-3] Any action, for example, reciting the Quran, making remembrance of Allaah, and so on, on the night of qadr is better than the same act performed for one thousand months.

  • The signs by which Laylat al-Qadr is known
    The first sign: it was reported in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Ubayy ibn Ka’b (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) announced that one of its signs was that when the sun rose on the following morning, it had no (visible) rays.
    (Muslim, 762).
    The second sign: it was reported from the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah, and by al-Tayaalisi in his Musnad, with a saheeh isnaad, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Laylat al-Qadr is a pleasant night, neither hot nor cold, and the following day the sun rises red and weak.”
    (Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah, 2912; Musnad al-Tayaalisi).
    The third sign: it was reported by al-Tabaraani with a hasan isnaad from the hadeeth of Waathilah ibn al-Asqa’ (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Laylat al-Qadr is a bright night, neither hot nor cold, in which no meteors are seen.”
    (Narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer. See Majma’ al-Zawaa’id, 3/179; Musnad Ahmad).
    These three saheeh ahaadeeth explain the signs which indicate Laylat al-Qadr.
    It is not essential for the one who “catches” Laylat al-Qadr to know that he has “caught” it. The point is to strive hard and to be sincere in worship, whether or not one knows that one has “caught” it. It may be that some of those who do not know that may be better with Allaah and higher in status than those who did know which night it was, because the former strove hard. We ask Allaah to accept our fasting our prayer at night, and to help us to remember Him and to thank Him and to worship Him properly. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

  • Which night is it:?
    Scholars hold different opinions as to the exact night that is the night of qadr. Some hold the opinion that it is the 21st, some say the 23rd, others say the 25th and still others say it is the 29th. Some say that it varies from year to year but it is always among the last ten nights of Ramadhaan. Most scholars, though, vouch for the 27th.

    Ahmad recorded, with a saheeh (authentic) chain, from Ibn ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “He who likes to seek that night should do so on the 27th.” Ubayy Ibn K’ab, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “By Allaah, and there is no God but Him, it is during Ramadhaan – and He swore to that – and by Allaah, I know what night it is. It is the night of the 27th. Its sign is that the sun rises in the morning white and without any rays”. This is related by Muslim, Abu Daawood, Ahmad and At-Tirmithi who called it saheeh

  • Praying and making supplications during the night of qadr:
    Al-Bukhaari and Muslim record from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Whoever prays during the night of qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven”.

    As to the supplication during the night of qadr' ,Aisha, may Allaah be pleased with her, said: "I asked the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, O Messenger of Allaah, if I know what night is the night of qadr, what should I say during it’? He, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Say,O Allaah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.” This is related by Ahmed,Ibn Maajah, and At-Tirmithi, who called it saheeh.
  • please ramadan donot go stay here with us ,oh my lord my allah please forgive me ,iam ur femal slave please forgive me ,oh my lord i pray to you and wish the forgiveness ,please allah accept ramadan from me and from all the muslims in all the world ,please allah donot let ramadan go before forgive me ,allah you are the only lord and the greatest please help the muslims in all the world and give them the forgiveness and the eman ,please help them to beat them bad things

Friday, October 06, 2006


Agian the series of the historic farces and the historic distortion continue motivated by the Ramadan series and the historical films .Again Ramadan series returned so that they offer to us lessons in the falsification of our history, the attempt of its removal and its pollution by the lies and the dramatic thought.this year it show us harron el rasheed and his sons el ameen and el maamon but with wrong history .this caliph was from the greatest man ,he was pilgrimaging ayear and the next year he was fight to expand the islamic area,he is the greatest caliph in the abasy agebut in alot of series and movies and also in people words he appear like strong man have alot of women and all he know was setting with women and playing with his people like any wrongful caliph.from the other side there are the sons mohamed el ameen and abd ellah el maamon.el maamon was the biggest son , the wise man and the scientist ,he discovered alot of things in alot of fields like the astronomy.he was agreatest man ,scientist and caliph , his mother was afemal slave ,she was from fares ,she died after six months from maamon's birth.there are alot of wrong things in these series and alot but we see and believe .not only this series also amer ebn el aas series and the movie of salah el deen .alot and alot of wrong ,it blemish the islamic history and after we see it we just say good actor ,or other .we forget our history and our religion all we want that see and waste our time .

Friday, September 29, 2006

Islamic sites with many languages

1-arabic sites

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Indonesian site
( 5 stars ) in my opinionUseful Islamic audio and video, and many links plus resources
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Internet's single source site for every major Islamic book, with Islamic audios, videos, software, and gifts. Great service and prices!
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all islamic sites in forign languages you can find it in this site

Thursday, August 17, 2006

all my life i love natural places and it's beauty but in every town and country in all the world there are alot of natural places you cannot imagine .

when i knew venice and saw it's pictures i know what the magic mean .

no one can image it's beauty and it's magic.

i want spend all my life there in the best of the best places in all the universe.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love this country very very match .

can i visite this country ? can i go to there?

can my dreams become real?

i pray and obtest to allah to achieve my dreams and let me see it's beauty .

please allah help me to see it and feel with it's water through my hands .

that is country is one from alot of incalculable things that advert to the power and beauty of allah .


  • Venice the town of beauty
  • (city of canals)

Maybe you expect Venice to be one dazzling, romantic, fairytale−like labyrinth of canals, alleys, picturesque
houses and impressive squares and buildings. Well, you are right then (although it is also dirty, run down and
rather smelly in the summer heat). The best thing to do is wander around and get lost for at least a day. Roam
the winding streets and the various piazzas and see the melting pot of architectural styles. When you are
interested in Venetian painting, you can bathe in the collections of paintings from artists such as Titian and
members of the school of Murano. The Galleria di Palazzo Cini, for instance, houses the private art collection
of Vittorio Cini, the wealthiest Venetian art collector of this century. His collection includes paintings from
the Tuscan Renaissance and the school of Ferrara. Find your own musical inspiration in this city, whether by
seeing a Venetian Opera composed by Montiverdi (the Titian of Music), visiting Campo Bandiera e Moro (the
birthplace of Vivaldi) or listen to baroque music played (on a 18th century organ) in the Santa Maria Della
Favaon at the Sunday mass.
Be like Marco Polo, who was born here (or in Corcula), but instead of defying seas, defy the canals (177) and
bridges (400) by gondola. This will introduce you to the dubious character of the water. On the one hand, it
contributes to the charm of Venice. Houses had to be built on piles and had to be small and close to one
another in order to use the ground as effectively as possible. On the other hand, it was and still is its worst
enemy: the fundaments of a lot of buildings are slowly eaten away by the destructive impact of the lasting
exposure to water. Motorboats and the disposal of chemical waste in the water increase the decline of this
former metropolis which already went down several centimetres. Pessimists believe that, during the next 50
years, Venice will slowly turn into a new Atlantis when radical improvements are not forth−coming.
Central Venice, which consists in total of 118 islands, is divided into six districts or sestiere. This division
might make it easier for you to get a grip on the city's structure. Best known to everyone is the sestiere of San
Marco. This district is the busiest and the most expensive one. A lot of tourists do not even come outside the
boundaries of this district, which houses the main sights. Piazza San Marco will exercise your imagination,
the same way it made Napoleon sigh that it was the most beautiful salon of Europe, which deserves to have
the sky as its ceiling. Most festivities and celebrations took place here. When entering the piazza from the
western side, you will see on your right the Procuratie Nuove (the palace of Procurators) and the Campanile. It
took 240 years to build this clock−tower, and former lighthouse, which received its spire not until the late
Gothic from the state's architect, Bartomeo Bon. On your left, you will find the old palace of procurators, the
Procuratie Vecchie, and the Torro dell'Orologio, also a clock−tower but not as high as the Campanile. Straight
on, you will see the Basilica di San Marco. On the right side, you see the palace of the doges, Palazzo Ducale,
which leads on to the Piazzetta, the square leading to the Piazza. Ponte dei Sospori, the Bridge of Sighs, links
the religious and governmental face to the dark criminal one.
The northern part of Venice is called Cannaregio and is a mixture of hustle and bustle on the one hand and
urban relaxation on the other hand. It is said that the world's first Ghetto came into being here. The Jewish
population from the city was forced to move here, because it was easier for the Christians to seal off this area
in order to prevent Jews from roaming the streets at night. You can find the museum of Jewish history in this
On the east, San Marco is bordered by the sestiere of Castello. If the Piazza San Marco would not exist, the
Campo San Zanipolo would be the most impressive square in Venice. South of San Marco, across the
question−mark formed Canal Grande, lies Dorsoduro. It is a shame that a lot of people do not cross the canal,
or rather, do not get out of their gondola, because this area offers great sights of architecture and fine

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


  • Can you see these pictures ?!!
  • Can you feel with them ?!!
  • Can you imagine the destroy ?!!
  • Do you know what is this country ?!!
  • That is the new Lebanon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I know that is like the worst dream you can see .

  1. But that it is what all the world want to make us .

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

لبنان يا غالية علينا

لبنان يا غالية علينا
مش حرام الى بيحصل ده مش افترى وظلم
انرى الاطفال قتلى وجرحى وموتى ونلذ بالصمت الذى اصبحنا عار عليه
نعم هذه هى الحقيقة العار والخذى اصبح ينكرنا بافعالنا التى تشينه اكثر من اى شئ اخر لاننا نلوذ بالصمت والسكوت
الانرى الانسمع الا تؤثر فينا هذه المناظر البشعة للقتلى والجرحى
اهكذا سنصمت لو حدث هذا لذوينا واهلنا
اهكذا سيكون ردنا عندما يحين دورنا
فبالامس الاندلس وفلسطين واليوم العراق وافغانستان والشيشان ولبنان والبقية تأتى
ومن القادم اهى سوريا ام الاردن ام مصر من سيكون القادم من سيكون الهالك من ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
ومن سيصمد للنهاية بكل تأكيد ليس نحن فنحن لا نعرف سوى الاستسلام والصمت ومن ثم نقول دعونا ناجأ لمجلس الامن وكم من المرات فعلنا هذا وماذا كانت النتيجة فى النهاية اما قرارات لا تنفذ واما الفيتو الامريكى
وفى كل الحالات هو كالمخدر ليكسبوا مزيدا من الوقت يبيدوا به مزيدا من المسلمين والعالم العربى اجمع
استعرفون متى من الممكن ان يعترف العالم اجمع بخطأه عندما نصبح مثل الهنود الحمر مجرد اطلال وجماجم فى متاحف ليس الا
عندها سيقولون عفوا ايتها الشعوب لقد اخطأنا
لكن اتعلمون اننا حتى لا نستاهل هذا لاننا اقل واجبن من الهنود الحمر لانهم دفعوا بكل غالى لديهم للمحافظة على ارضهم ولم يترددوا يوما فى الدفاع عن كرامتهم
اما اليوم فنحن جميعا صامتون ننتظر القرار الذى سينصرنا فى اعتقادنا وممن سيأتى هذا القرار بالطبع سيأتى من اسرائيل فهم اسياد العالم الان ومن فى العالم اجمع من عرب وامريكان وروس واوروبين يخضعون لاوامرهم او بالاحرى انهم كالعبيد عند من عند العبيد
يالها من مهزلة
الانرى المناظر من حولنا الا نرى الابرياء والشهداء والقتلى الا نرى الاطفال
اليسوا مثلنا بل هم اكرم عند الله منا لصمودهم
الانرى المذابح وفى النهاية يأسف الخنازير على فعلتهم ويفتحوا تحقيقاتهم وفى نفس الوقت تستمر المجزرة
الاتعلمون ان من بين كل 60 قتيل 40 طفل
الاتدركون الحقيقة التى تعلمونها
الاترون ماذا يحدث
ام انكم صما بكم عميا كالاصنام
الاتؤثر فيكم هذه المناظر التى قد تؤدى باصحاب القلوب الرحيمة الى الموت من مجرد رؤيتها
اهكذا سنفعل عندما ياتى الدور على عائلاتنا واهلنا
ام سننتظر ان يرسل الله عليهم الطير
اهذا ما نعتقده حقا اذا فدعونى اخبركم ان الله قال
ان الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بانفسهم
وقال ايضا
ان تنصروا الله ينصركم
ونحن لم نفعل هذا بل اننا حتى وصلنا للالحاد والكفر بالله عز وجل
فحسبى الله ونعم الوكيل على كل مسلم على وجه الارض يخون الاسلام
والخيانة ليست بقتل المسلم ولكنها بالصمت
ان صمتنا هذا هو اكبر مساعدة نقدمها للخنازير
فلنعش بكرامة او لنمت ابد الدهر

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


  • The Big Crunch
  • (يوم نطوي السماء كطي السجل للكتب كما بدأنا أول خلق نعيده وعدًأ علينا إنا كنا فاعلين) الأنبياء: 104
    "The Day We roll up the heavens with the same parallel of a scroll rolling up books; as We produced the first creation We repeat it, a promise We have undertaken, verily We shall fulfill it" (21: 104).
  • Early commentators on the Holy Qur'an saw in this verse a divine promise to fold up the universe as a scroll of parchment folds the contents of books written on its inner side; and as Allah the Almighty created all this universe out of nothing, so can He destroy it to nothing, and create an entirely new one.
  • This interpretation is correct, but from the purely semantic analysis of the verse it clearly implies that in as much as the present-day universe started from an initial singularity, its end will come again to the same form, through the folding and rolling up of the universe as a scroll folds the letters, words and sentences written inside it as it is rolled up.
    In clear concordance with this interpretation, the most widely accepted "hot big bang model" for the origin of our expanding universe (Gamow, 1948), implies that such expansion cannot continue forever, rather it must end in a reverse process of contraction. Due to such contraction, all of the material of the universe would eventually come back to a central point (exactly similar to what the universe initially began with) in an implosion that would annihilate all forms of matter (atoms, molecules, compounds, planets, stars, galaxies, galactic clusters and super clusters, etc.). The result would be a singularity - identical to the initial one - that will explode and start the production of an earth other than ours and of heavens different from the present-day ones, in exactly the same way the initial singularity behaved.
  • Two Bangs Instead of One
  • The scientific reasoning behind this expectation is the fact that the motion of recession of the galaxies in our expanding universe does not proceed with constant velocity. The force of gravitation attracts these galaxies, supergalaxies and clusters to each other. This mutual attraction tends to decelerate the expansion, despite the very weak pull of gravity in view of the enormous inter-galactic distances. Nevertheless, this very small deceleration can become important in the long run, to the extent of hindering the process of expansion to a big halt. If this motion of galactic recession stops, the galaxies will begin to fall back towards each other. The universe will then start to contract, the galaxies will gradually come closer together, the gravitational pull will become gradually greater, and the velocities of contraction will become excessively larger with time. Finally, the galaxies will collide with one another, and the universe will collapse in a cosmic implosion, generally described as the "big crunch". This cosmic disaster will end by an extremely small, hot, dense singularity, identical to the initial singularity that exploded in the "first big bang". This second singularity is also expected to explode in a "second big bang", leading to a new cosmos.
  • The most widely accepted scenario of the “first big bang”, followed by the formation of smoky nebulae in which the nuclei of matter started to form, small and large scale structures started to condense from fluctuations in the density of matter that would have seeded galaxies, followed by the expansion (or inflation) of the universe, then its expected contraction (or big crunch), the expected " second big bang", followed by the creation of new cosmos, are beautifully described in the following 5 Qur'anic verses
    (21:30); (41:11); (51:47); (21:104) and (14:48).
  • The first four of these verses are mentioned above, while the fifth reads:
    "يوم تبدل الأرض غير الأرض والسماوات" إبراهيم
    "The day when the earth is replaced by a different earth, and so are the heavens. . . *" (14: 48).
    In any Islamic science curriculum such Qur'anic verses cannot be overlooked. These represent the word of The Creator, in an area (of origin, annihilation and recreation of the universe) that does not fall within the direct observation of man. As man's knowledge in this area cannot exceed the limit of theorization, these 5 Qur'anic verses come to us as a guiding light for choosing between heaps of human ideas that can do no more than confuse the human intellect

Sunday, July 16, 2006

JABIR IBN HAIYAN (the greatest chemical scientist)

    (Died 803 C.E.)
  • Jabir Ibn Haiyan, the alchemist Geber of the Middle Ages, is generally known as the father of chemistry. Abu Musa Jabir Ibn Hayyan, sometimes called al-Harrani and al-Sufi, was the son of the druggist (Attar). The precise date of his birth is the subject of some discussion, but it is established that he practised medicine and alchemy in Kufa around 776 C.E. He is reported to have studied under Imam Ja'far Sadiq and the Ummayed prince Khalid Ibn Yazid. In his early days, he practised medicine and was under the patronage of the Barmaki Vizir during the Abbssid Caliphate of Haroon al-Rashid. He shared some of the effects of the downfall of the Barmakis and was placed under house arrest in Kufa, where he died in 803 C.E.
    Jabir's major contribution was in the field of chemistry. He introduced experimental investigation into alchemy, which rapidly changed its character into modern chemistry. On the ruins of his well-known laboratory remained after centuries, but his fame rests on over 100 monumental treatises, of which 22 relate to chemistry and alchemy. His contribution of fundamental importance to chemistry includes perfection of scientific techniques such as crystalization, distillation, calcination, sublimation and evaporation and development of several instruments for the same. The fact of early development of chemistry as a distinct branch of science by the Arabs, instead of the earlier vague ideas, is well-established and the very name chemistry is derived from the Arabic word al-Kimya, which was studied and developed extensively by the Muslim scientists.
    Perhaps Jabir's major practical achievement was the discovery of mineral and others acids, which he prepared for the first time in his alembic (Anbique). Apart from several contributions of basic nature to alchemy, involving largely the preparation of new compounds and development of chemical methods, he also developed a number of applied chemical processes, thus becoming a pioneer in the field of applied science. His achievements in this field include preparation of various metals, development of steel, dyeing of cloth and tanning of leather, varnishing of water-proof cloth, use of manganese dioxide in glass-making, prevention of rusting, letterring in gold, identification of paints, greases, etc. During the course of these practical endeavours, he also developed aqua regia to dissolve gold. The alembic is his great invention, which made easy and systematic the process of distillation. Jabir laid great stress on experimentation and accuracy in his work.
    Based on their properties, he has described three distinct types of substances. First, spirits i.e. those which vaporise on heating, like camphor, arsenic and ammonium chloride; secondly, metals, for example, gold, silver, lead, copper, iron, and thirdly, the category of compounds which can be converted into powders. He thus paved the way for such later classification as metals, non-metals and volatile substances.
    Although known as an alchemist, he did not seem to have seriously pursued the preparation of noble metals as an alchemist; instead he devoted his effort to the development of basic chemical methods and study of mechanisms of chemical reactions in themselves and thus helped evolve chemistry as a science from the legends of alchemy. He emphasised that, in chemical reactions, definite quantities of various substances are involved and thus can be said to have paved the way for the law of constant proportions.
    A large number of books are included in his corpus. Apart from chemistry, he also contributed to other sciences such as medicine and astronomy. His books on chemistry, including his Kitab-al-Kimya, and Kitab al-Sab'een were translated into Latin and various European languages. These translations were popular in Europe for several centuries and have influenced the evolution of modern chemistry. Several technical terms devised by Jabir, such as alkali, are today found in various European languages and have become part of scientific vocabulary. Only a few of his books have been edited and published, while several others preserved in Arabic have yet to be annotated and published.
    Doubts have been expressed as to whether all the voluminous work included in the corpus is his own contribution or it contains later commentaries/additions by his followers. According to Sarton, the true worth of his work would only be known when all his books have been edited and published. His religious views and philosophical concepts embodied in the corpus have been criticised but, apart from the question of their authenticity, it is to be emphasised that the major contribution of Jabir lies in the field of chemistry and not in religion. His various breakthroughs e.g., preparation of acids for the first time, notably nitric, hydrochloric, citric and tartaric acids, and emphasis on systematic experimentation are outstanding and it is on the basis of such work that he can justly be regarded as the father of modern chemistry. In the words of Max Mayerhaff, the development of chemistry in Europe can be traced directly to Jabir Ibn Haiyan.


  • The Big Bang .
  • In the Holy Quran we read:
    "أولم ير الذين كفروا أن السماوات والأرض كانتا رتقا ففتقناهما.." a (الأنبياء:30)
    "Haven't the unbelievers seen that the heavens and the earth were joined together (in one singularity), then we clove both of them asunder.” (21:30)
    This verse reflects the unity of creation as a dominating factor in the orderly form of the universe throughout its evolutionary history from one stage to another.

  • However, long before discovering the established phenomenon of the red shift, and its logical consequence of describing our universe as an expanding one, scientists used Einstein's theory of general relativity to extrapolate back in time and came to the striking conclusion that the universe had actually emerged from a single, unbelievably small, dense, hot region (the Hot Big Bang Model of the universe).
  • Formation of the Universe
    George Gamow formally proposed the model in 1948, after a lengthy discussion on other models of the universe by a number of scientists (e.g. Albert Einstein, 1917; William de Sitter, 1917; Alexander Friedmann, 1922; George Lemaiyre, 1927, etc.). Lemaitre is credited for introducing the idea of the "primeval atom", where galaxies originated as fragments ejected by the explosion of this atom.
  • In 1948, George Gamow modified Lemaitre's hypothesis into the "Big Bang theory" of the origin of the universe. In this theory, Gamow proposed that the universe was created in a gigantic explosion, whereby the various elements observed today were produced within the first few minutes after the Big Bang, as the extremely high temperature and density of the universe would fuse subatomic particles into the chemical elements.
    More recent calculations indicate that hydrogen and helium were the primary products of the Big Bang, with heavier elements being produced later within stars. The extremely high density within the "primeval atom" would cause the universe to expand rapidly. As it expanded, the smoky cloud of hydrogen and helium thus formed would cool and condense into nebulae stars, galaxies, clusters, super clusters, black holes, etc.
    This explains the original singularity of the universe; its explosion to a huge cloud of smoke from which the different heavenly bodies were formed by separation into eddies of various masses followed by condensation. The condensed bodies were arranged into stellar systems, clusters, galaxies, supergalaxies, etc., and the formed galaxies started to drift away from each other, causing the steady expansion of the universe.
  • The Glorious Quran describes these three successive stages in the verses (21: 30), (41: 11) and (21: 104). The first and the third of these verses are discussed above, while the second reads:
    "ثم استوى إلى السماء وهي دخان فقال لها وللأرض إئتيا طوعًا أو كرهًا قالتا أتينا طائعين"a (فصلت)
    "Then He (Allah) turned to the sky while it was smoke, and ordered it the earth to come into being willingly or unwillingly, they answered: we do come in willing obedience*" (41: 11)
    Big Bang Evidence
    As the universe expanded, the residual radiation (radiant heat) from the big bang continued to spread outwardly and to cool down gradually until about the 3K (= - 270°C) of today. This relic radiation was detected by radio astronomy in 1964, thus providing direct material evidence for "The Big Bang Model".
    Further evidence in support of this model is provided by the chemical composition of the observed universe. This amounts to about 74% hydrogen and 24 % helium (by mass), with only traces of other elements that in total amount to about 2%. All the recorded hydrogen in the observed universe and almost all the recorded helium are primordial, although some helium is currently produced by nuclear fusion of hydrogen in the sun as well as in other stars. Nevertheless, the total mass of hydrogen produced by the process of nuclear fusion within all the stars since the beginning of creation amounts to only a small percent.
    It is calculated that when the universe was 3 minutes old, its temperature must have been 109 °C (cf. Ohanian, 1985, p. D-6). At such a high temperature, hydrogen was subject to nuclear fusion, leading to the formation of helium. Theoretical calculations show that the fusion reactions led to an abundance of about 75% hydrogen and 25% helium, which is a remarkable agreement with the observed abundance. This further confirms the Hot Big Bang model for the creation of the universe. The Hot Big Bang model has steadily and successfully battled other explanations for the origin of the universe, and the model has been gradually refined with time.
  • Hot to Cold
    The "Hot Big Bang Model" for the origin of the universe envisages a beginning from an extremely small, hot, dense initial state some 10-15 billion years ago. This initial, minute body exploded and started to expand, forming the still expanding, vast, cold universe of today. The model predicts the formation of nuclei, the relative abundance of certain elements, and the existence and exact temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation (or the glow of radiation left over from the initial explosion, which is currently permeating the universe).
    The prediction of the cosmic background radiation made by Ralph A. Alpher of Union College and Robert Herman of the University of Texas at Austin was confirmed by Arno Penzias and Robert W. Wilson of Bell Laboratories in 1964.
    Despite its success, the Hot Big Bang Model leaves many features of the universe unexplained. For example, the universe today includes a vast number of regions that could never have been in causal contact at any stage in their entire history. These regions are moving away from one another at such a rate that any information, even traveling at the speed of light, could not cover the distance between them. This "horizon problem" makes it difficult to account for the striking uniformity of the cosmic background radiation (cf. J.J. Halliwell, 1991, p. 76). Other unexplained features in the Hot Big Bang Model include the "flatness problem", the origin of large scale structures such as galaxies, galactic clusters and super clusters, etc.
  • The Inflationary Universe
    In 1980, Alan H. Guth of M.I.T. suggested a further refinement of the Big Bang model that he called "the inflationary universe scenario". In this scenario, the universe is believed to have started with a very brief, but exceedingly rapid period of expansion (for about 10-30 second), in which matter consisted of scalar-field particles (white in the Hot Big Bang model, the matter content of the universe is presumed to have been a uniformly distributed plasma or dust).
    As mentioned by J.J. Halliwell (1991), the origin of the universe in the inflationary scenario can be explained as follows: by following the expansion of the universe backward in time, the size of this vast, complex universe tends towards zero. Here the strength of the gravitational field and the energy density of matter tend towards infinity. This means that the universe appears to have emerged from a singularity; a region of infinite curvature and energy density at which the known laws of physics break down. These conditions are a consequence of the famous " singularity theorems", proved in 1960 by Stephen W. Hawking and Roger Penrose of the University of Oxford. These theorems showed that under reasonable assumptions any model of the expanding universe extrapolated backward in time will encounter an initial singularity.
    The singularity theorems do not imply, however, that a singularity will physically occur. Rather, the theory predicting them - classical general relativity - breaks down at very high curvatures and must be superseded by the quantum theory. Near a singularity, space - time becomes highly curved; its volume shrinks to very small dimensions, and here only the quantum theory can be applied.
  • Quantum cosmologists began a few decades ago (since the 1960s) to address the problems of the origin and evolution of the universe in a more subtle way than that proposed by classical astronomy.
    Quantum cosmology attempts to describe a system - fundamentally - in terms of its wave function. Yet many conceptual and technical difficulties arise. At the singularity, space becomes infinitely small, and the energy density infinitely great. To look beyond such a moment requires a complete, manageable quantum theory of gravity, which is currently lacking.
    Whether to accept the Hot Big Bang model of the universe, or its modified inflationary scenario explanations on the basis of conventional or quantum astronomy, the established fact is that our universe emerged from a single, infinitesimally small, dense, hot source. To agree or differ on the events that unfolded since that moment, including the formation of matter, followed by its coalescence into galaxies, stars, planets and chemical systems, does not change the fact of the one singularity from which our universe was created.
  • The Quranic precedence with this fact at a time when nobody had the slightest knowledge of it, or even for several centuries after the revelation was received, is indeed most striking. The objective notion to this Quranic verse in the right context of a science course can indeed be spirit lifting and enlightening for the younger Muslim generations of students and faculty

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


    • looking to this pic ,look and c our Allah glo ry ,then imagine how Allah beauty is more than that beauty think in all that and then think how u will stand wh en ur end come and how will be ur work.
    • this amaz i ng pic is one from the infinity beauty sights that Allah made and u are one of these so r u really think again in ur life and what u do in it or will stay in ur faults ,r u will back to ur god or u will stay in urs .think again and choose ur dirty life with ur faults and sad or the true life with happiness .
    • this sight is one from alot of miracles that mentio n in our holly quraan.